Reduction analysys

So we went out to rack the ’12 syrah off its gross lees.

We do have an H2S problem on the wine in the barrel. Now to figure out what to do. The ferment is almost complete. Should we copper first, or do MLF first?

Here is our painful history:

Ferment Cu Fining MLF Cu Fining Cu Fining
2009 Syrah Did not notice H2S  - Thought it was oaky, not H2S, but probably was H2S +0.5 1/16 +0.4 1/27
2010 Syrah H2S noticed; would disappear with punch down; fermented to dry +1.0 MLF  -  -
2011 Syrah  H2S Noticed; 0.5 g/gal FermaidK added at 11.5 brix; punchdowns did not eliminate  +1.0 11/11  MLF 11/19 – 1/22 +0.75 3/9  -
2011 Zin  0.5 g/gal FermaidK at 19 brixVery slight H2S noticed  -  11/11-? Noticed H2S during MLF.  +0.4 3/7  -
2012 Syrah  Noticed H2S at very end of ferment in barrel. Waiting to see if we taste in glass. wait for ferment to end before coppering.

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