Bentonite bench trial continued…

Time to evaluate.

First, the clarity of the wine in the test jars, before pouring into a wine glass for tasting. I brought them into the kitchen under brifght lights, but it is easiest to see the clarity against the background of our light oak cabinets. It is harder to see it against a white background. One thing…there are some clumps floating still, although most of the bentonite has fallen to the bottom.

  • 0: Clearly the haziest.
  • 0.25 g/L: Compared to the 1.5 g/L, I can still see aslight haze.
  • 0.5 g/L: I can see no difference between the 0.5 g/L and higher. Based on sight only, the 0.5 g/L seems appropriate.
  • 1.0 g/L:
  • 1.5 g/L:

The nose seems to be the strongest on the cntrol, with the least nose on the 1.5 g/L. The 1.5 also seems to have the least fruit in it. There is grapefruit on the finish, and it really hangs in there for awhile. I taste no difference between the control and the 0.5 g/L. The nose on the 0.5 has a slightly more bready or savory character, which I actually like. Can we actually smell bentonite? Or maybe the savory is there, but covered up by something the bentonite is removing.

Based on this, I am going to go with the 0.5 g/L. Containers are 23L each, so that is 11.5 g/container, or 23 g total. Not enough time to do it this morning, but hopefully this weekend.

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